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available projects
The opus toolset, previously known as PUS-C-Gen allows to work with the PUS-C Standard, in particular: - Instantiate and tailor the standard for a new mission - C...
The Sector Shielding Analysis Tool (SSAT) performs ray-tracing from a user-defined point within a given Geant4 geometry to determine shielding profiles (i.e. the fr...
This webpage provides a list of open source software resources for developing space downstream applications, in the following categories: Positioning & Navigat...
The specification, design and verification of modern space systems rely heavily on the use of system modelling and simulation, in support of the space systems e...
Space industry and Agencies have recognized already for quite some time the interest and added value of Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) in streamlining the de...
ESA UGI is an open source program package that allows the computation of the vTEC from GNSS observables. The aim is to give to the ionospheric community a starting ...
GAFE is the abbreviation for "Generic AOCS/GNC Techniques & Design Framework for Failure Detection, Isolation and Recovery" and the name of the framework develo...
MULASSIS is a Geant4-based M-C simulation based tool for dose and particle fluence analysis associated with the use of radiation shields. Users can define the shiel...
This project includes all the files that are pointed by the web pages: "" The files that can be do...
SSET is a desktop Space System Simulator, receiving TC and sending TM packets configured by SCOS MIB, so serving as a basic UUT that can close a Monitoring and Cont...