MB4SE (Model Based For System Engineering)

Space industry and Agencies have recognized already for quite some time the interest and added value of Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) in streamlining the design, development, deployment and verification of space systems. There have been many initiatives during the past decades, aiming at defining models and tooling able to support the various needs of the system engineering process. MBSE is increasingly being used in operational projects and the next step is to use extensively MBSE all along the system life cycle, across disciplines and throughout the supply chain.

A number of initiatives have been carried out or are ongoing towards this vision both on the side of industry and in the frame of ESA’s R&D programmes. However, increased coordination of these actions is needed today in order to achieve the necessary synergy and to ensure they converge towards the shared vision. It has been proposed to federate these initiatives under the common Model Based for System Engineering (MB4SE) for Space initiative.

The MB4SE for Space initiative is a platform where technical discussions can take place and key recommendations can be made by the stakeholders towards the materialization of the space system ontology and model hub. An Advisory Group is established to steer the work plan of the technical discussions, referred to in this paper as MB4SE Advisory Group. The Advisory Group will also ensure the governance of the conceptual data model mentioned in the Technical Harmonisation Dossier of MB4SE (https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Space_Engineering_Technology/Technology_Harmonisation)

The overall goal is to streamline the system engineering process for space programmes, considering the need to increase efficiency and cost-effectiveness and taking into account the trend towards the extensive use of various models in various disciplines and industries. The working group will focus at achieving the interoperability of the exchanges between stakeholders, as an enabler to the deployment of MBSE in space projects.

The documents available are:

- MB4SE-ToR i3 r0 : the Terms of Reference of the MB4SE Advisory Group

- MB4SE-TN-001 i2 r1 : the Users Needs (for a project and system engineer) related to the introduction of Model Based in System Engineering

- MB4SE-TN-002 i1 r0 : MBSE Best Practices

- ESA/IPC/THAG(2020)7 :  Technology Harmonisation Dossier - MODEL BASED FOR SYSTEM ENGINEERING

In order to access the documents, you need to be registered (button "Register") and to "Login".

The MB4SE Advisory Group has spawn a subgroup called OSMoSE (Overall Semantic Modelling for System Engineering) in charge of the development of the Space System Ontology.


Contact: mb4se@esa.int

Updated on: 27/03/2023
Created on: 10/04/2020
Owner: ESA