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available projects
SPARC instruction simulator (SIS) SIS(sis-3.0.5, 07-07-1999) is a SPARC instruction simulator developed at ESTEC. This simulator emulates an ERC32 system, containi...
ngEO Browse Server is a server providing access to browse images via OGC's WMTS...
The Open Data Interface (ODI) provides a common backend and database system for space environment data processing systems at ESA. It provides a generic/common inter...
The Open Data Interface (ODI) provides a common backend and database system for space environment data processing systems at ESA. It provides a generic/common inter...
The DME provides a conceptual data modelling solution which was originally developed by ScopeSET GmbH for EGS-CC but has since then been used in other ESA activitie...
GRAS is a Geant4-based tool enabling common radiation analyses types (TID, TNID, fluence, SEE, path length, charge deposit, dose equivalent, equivalent dose, radiat...
- Documentation : Main reference paper for GRAS ( IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. Vol 52 , No 6 , Dec. 2005 )
- Documentation : GRAS documentation and ticket system access details
- Source code : Source code for GRAS-05-00-01
- Source code : Source code for GRAS-05.02.01
- Documentation : Main paper for GRAS / Geant4 reverse (adjoint) simulations (NIM A, Vol 621, Issues 1–3, 1–21 September 2010, Pages 247-257)
- Source code : Source code for GRAS-06-00-01
The OPEN Preparation Environment (OPEN) is a software framework supporting the preparation of tailoring data for European Ground Systems Common Core (EGS-CC) based ...
COMPASS (COrrectness, Modeling and Performance of AeroSpace Systems) is a toolset aiming to ensure system-level correctness, safety, dependability and performabili...
mobiPV is a modular network enabled application for an operator / technician to use as an interactive electronic technical manual (IETM) browser, consisting of one ...
The Multicore Association’s Multicore Task Management API (MTAPI ®) provides functionality for task based programming on embedded systems. This includes spawning...