SHIELDOSE-2Q software library for calculating ionising dose in simple geometries from particle flux spectra.
SHIELDOSE is a computer code originally developed in the 1980s for the calculation of absorbed dose as a function of depth in simplified shielding geometries. Since the first version was released, a second version, SHIELDOSE-2, was released in the 1990s, with updated calculations of more extensive depth-dose dictributions for electrons, electron-bremsstrahlung and protons. In support of the Jovian Radiation Environment and Effects Models and Mitigation (JOREM) project, the SHIELDOSE-2 code was further extentended as the SHIELDOSE-2Q (SD2Q) software package. The SD2Q includes iron (medium-Z material), tantalum and copper-tungsten alloys (high-Z material) shielding, as well as the original aluminium shielding. The target materials available have also been extended, providing 3 times as many target materials.
The software is written in FORTRAN and includes the following entry point subroutines:
- SD_DOSE - for calculating dose-depth curve for a single particle species and spectrum,
- SD_DoseN - for calculating dose-depth curves for a single particle and series of spectra,
- IDL_DoseN - for integration with Harris3d/IDL.
A python interface to the library is included, providing entry points to the sd_dose and sd_dosen routines.