European Satellite Benchmark for Control Education & Industrial Training

This project is constituted of the sofware package of the "European Satellite Benchmark for Control Education & Industrial Training" and its corresponding user manual. The software, implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, provides to the user a full scenario for the stabilization of a telescope spacecraft mission with fine pointing requirements. The software in particular is constituted of:

1) A scalable analysis and synthesis model, specifically a Linear Fractional Transformation (LFT) model of the complex telescope space mission generated with SDTlib (, which enables to perform tasks at various levels of granularity (i.e. syhthesis of control algorithms)

2) An open equivalent non-linear high-fidelity simulator developed in Simscape and validated with SDTlib for time-domain V&V analysis. It provides a validation platform to analyze proposed controlled system laws in a more complex scenario by including transitory behaviours, complex phenomena like friction and strong nonlinearities like saturations or PWM signals. An overview of the elements composing the high-fidelity model, which will enable the simulation of the mission scenario and the assessment of the user’s proposed control architecture, as well as support other potential activities.